Start Before You Start: Solopreneur Insights, Vol. 13
This one will hit a bullseye for those of you currently working in a job. If you’re currently operating as a Solopreneur, stick around. This will be a fantastic overview of what you should continue doing. Plus, you can always share this with your friends who are currently working jobs.
What’s the number one reason for Solopreneur failure?
It’s the same reason why most other business ventures fail:
Poor planning.
What sucks the most?
They almost always had time to plan.
Instead, the ones who failed spent all that time dreaming about freedom, whining about their boss, spending money on crap they didn’t need, skipping networking opportunities, and continuing to wallow in the comfort of their job.
This is not the behavior of a determined professional.
The View From Above Is Lying To You
By now, you should have learned that pretty much everything seems a lot easier from the outside. Once you dive in, you realize that the water is rougher than it looked.
Well, business works the same way.
Except the consequences are:
Your finances
Your reputation
Your relationships
Your sanity
Maybe we should think it through a little before diving in?
Oh, and about that moment that you leave your job and dive into the rough waters of Solopreneurship:
You don’t always get to choose.
Life is like one of those parents who teaches their kid how to swim by chucking them into the deep end and telling them to figure it out.
The Illusion of Choice
Here’s the thing about “your” job: It’s not yours. It’s your employer’s. You just happen to be sitting in the job’s seat at the current moment. At any time, you can be fired for any number of reasons. The company could go under. It could get acquired, and the new managers are straight out of a horror movie.
There are also less acute factors, as well. Let’s say you start a family. You realize that you want more time with these people you call “family.” But, the job keeps you from doing that. Won’t you wish you had started earlier so you could take control over your own schedule?
And, even if you’re one of those psychos who wants to keep working at a job, most of the items below could benefit you while still holding that job.
Every one of them is going to increase your value to your employer. You could leverage them to earn a raise or promotion. You can certainly leverage them to land better employment opportunities.
Let's take a look at your steps:
Establish expertise
Both a client and a boss hire you for your expertise. This means your ability to execute your skill that solves the client’s problem. You can be the top expert in your field. If only your boss knows this, good luck landing new opportunities.
Be active on social media. You’ll create a track record that demonstrates your expertise. Talk about your clients’ challenges and how you solve them. Discuss common topics in your target audience’s market. Write content that matters to your peers and target audience. This, alone, will provide you valuable data in just a few short months.
Expand your network
You’ve heard it before: “It’s not just WHAT you know, it’s WHO you know.” This is as true in business as any other part of life.
Obviously, social media is the best place to start. Use it to connect with peers, partners, and your target audience. Soon, you’ll be connected with hundreds of people who can open doors for you that you didn't even know existed.
One of the biggest benefits of starting now is that you get practice. There are two important areas where you need this practice.
The first is positioning. Do you realize how important it is to know precisely who your audience is and precisely what they want from you before you officially start? By starting now, you begin to carve out your exact niche by testing messages, making mistakes, then shifting your course long before your income depends on getting it right. It might take a few months, but you’ll have a powerful message that resonates with people who want to throw cash at you.
The second is executing your craft. Most of you can begin freelancing now. Freelancing is like a dry run for operating a business. It’s a low barrier of entry, and it allows you to test your processes before you’re serving full-blown clients and need the income. It’s also one of the fastest ways to skyrocket your ability to show off your expertise. Seek agencies that offer your skill and connect with them. Pitch them on your ability to help with their overflow work.
Plant the seeds now
Everyone wants the food at harvest time. But, you won’t have it unless you plant the seeds months prior. Form a plan for your next steps and get started as soon as you can. You’ll break the ice, gain practice, and open doors to opportunities you can’t yet imagine.
If you haven’t yet read it, my previous article “Planning Your Escape” will offer even more insight on how to get rolling now.
– Torrey
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I’m taking on just a few more clients into the summer. Please know that my coaching is not for beginners, it’s not a last-ditch effort, and it’s not cheap. If we are a good fit, though, you can expect life to feel very different in just a few short months.